Turkey’s War on Christian Missionaries
by Uzay Bulut, Gatestone Institute (more…)
by Uzay Bulut, Gatestone Institute (more…)
Increased European investment in defense is about more than just “burden sharing” or Europe paying its “fair share.” Europe’s vital national security interests–and the future of the West—are at stake.
By ANDREW A. MICHTA, The American Interest (more…)
BY JAMIE SHEA, Atlantic Council
Back in the spring of 2008, I was enjoying a quiet moment in my office at NATO headquarters when the phone rang. My assistant told me that the new Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (SACT), Gen. James Mattis, was making his courtesy calls to NATO in Brussels and would drop by in ten minutes to talk to me. (more…)
Steven Pifer, Brookings Institute
On December 21, the United Nations General Assembly voted down a Russian-proposed resolution calling for support for the INF Treaty. That Moscow gambit failed, in large part because Russia is violating the treaty by deploying prohibited missiles. (more…)
After Pushing Back the Islamic State and Losing Kirkuk, What Comes Next for Iraq’s Kurdistan Region.
By Daniel Benaim, Center for American Progress (more…)